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March 11th, 2005 at 12:48 pm

I hate insurance. I got a statement about my DDs last visit to the DR and there is 40 more I am supposed to owe, for no reason that I can figure out which is on top of the 50 I already paid!

Then in the same mail there was a statement from my last visit which had a Zero paid by them for my blood work done. I swear the next kid I have will be a home birth and I will call my ped to tell her about it and bring the baby to her, might have it in the caroutside her office so she can do the fancy clamp thinig on the cord. I so am not looking forward to another round of bills, I know I was an idiot in paying off my DD but now I am trying to figure out how on earth to fix my idiocy from before and manage to afford my life, and now the new medical bills!!

Update, the charge for my DD was wrong, the blood work should go thru covered at 80%. And prenatal care is 100% but not labwork, so I have to figure out how to talk my midwife out of the bloodwork.

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