Home > Sick, gross

Sick, gross

March 13th, 2006 at 12:34 pm

GMC puked yesterday after church (thankfully it was after, not in!) Then spent the rest of the lazy day avoiding food (anytime my kid refuses a meat I know something is wrong!)

Then last night he puked again, several times, I have enough laundry to sink a ship and I am tired! My 4 month old, UE, still does not sleep thru the night and has taken the habit of screaming in the middle of the night, I honestly never had to deal with that, fussing yes, screaming, only if I wasn't there (or later, like 6 or 8 months, both my older two went thru a bought of midnight screaming around then)

Then to top it all off, JC (my girl) wakes up having peed the bed, yet another load of laundry. I so hate washing sheets. though at least pee doesn't make me puke like puke does!

2 Responses to “Sick, gross”

  1. contrary1 Says:

    I feel for you!! There isn't an easy way to handle those kinds of nights! Yeah for plastic mattress covers!

  2. nanamom Says:

    I wish I was closer to help, Puke doesn't bother me. Conquered!
    (sp on web site)

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