Home > Only a child...

Only a child...

May 1st, 2006 at 04:10 pm

Would call a weed a flower and delight in picking them daily to bring in for the vase!

We have a plethora of dandilions out back, plus some clover, some 'white daisies' and some thistle. Those are all weeds (especially the thistle!) And yet my children love to pick a flower or two every chance they get and bring them in for my vase (a rotating collection of weeds and the occasional rose from DH is often in it)

I love watching the kids delight, but I sigh in the thoughts that the neighbors really do want me to get rid of my weeds...

6 Responses to “Only a child...”

  1. contrary1 Says:

    My developmentally delayed kids have been picking my dandilions for years! We had them do it to have an outdoor "chore" to begin with, then added counting as they got better at it. ie; pick 20 yellow flowers for the table bouquet......... They loved it. Flip side: We eventually tamed our weed crop, since they picked them instead of them going to seed. Nice side benefit!!

    I'm so used to my yellow flower bouquets now..........wouldn't know what to do with "real" flowers!! Smile

  2. fern Says:

    I much prefer the look of a 'wild' lawn filled with dandelion, violets and other lesser known plants to a boring, monolithic, lawn. It's all in what you're taught looks good.

  3. PRICEPLUS Says:

    I agree with Fern!

  4. nanamom Says:

    My mother said "weed" was a four letter word and we were not allowed to use it. Those wonderful examples of a little ones love you are being given are "wildflowers" and you can tell the neighbors I and my Mom said so! Not that they'd care but you can tell them!

  5. Princessperky Says:

    I think we are keeping them out back, in front...well I might cave when I have time to fix the lawn and make it the customary green...

  6. miclason Says:

    I get bouquets of clovers once in a while! (If I'm good!)

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