Home > Procrastination and money

Procrastination and money

June 20th, 2006 at 01:31 pm

I have found that procrastination is my first tactic when any problem arrises. Sometimes it sounds reasonable "we'll cross that bridge when we come to it" But in reality putting things off costs money.

Even if I have to plan two or three options to cover what 'may happen' I will at least have a better idea of how to deal.

If I actually balance the checkbook I know what I have to splurge with, and I can plan for what I can't. If I actually search early for presents I can avoid the last minute gas and buy anything no matter the cost trouble. (course no amount of searching helps for some people, they are just hard to buy for period!)

If I plan a trip to go the shortest route covering all that needs done, or pack as much the night before to save time I can save on the 'stress costs' (like eating out, or extra chocolate, chocoale is a big stress reliever!)

Now if I could only put that good intentions to good use.....

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