Home > Guess I am not honest.

Guess I am not honest.

January 14th, 2007 at 10:59 pm

So this whole thread I responded to wasn't the greatest response, but had information, but a request was made for ‘honest’ answers, guess I am not considered honest.

Kind of annoying, but at the same time, what can you believe on the internet? Bet people don’t believe I am a 6ft tall redhead with hair down to my knees either…..or a size 8.

I do it too, when my young friend comes and tells me about her new ‘friend’ online who is writing poetry 'just for her', we google it to see where it originally came from. When she tells us how he cried over this or that, we suggest how easy it is to lie online. (I know, lets make me a size zero!)

But still it bothers me, every time someone online suggests that I am not really a redhead, or I do not really do what I do, live like I live whatever, I get annoyed, hurt by the anonymous. I start to think what is the point in being honest if no one believes me anyway?

Pretty silly eh..Maybe I should do some growing up!

I guess I'll stick with honesty though, I am not to interested in making up stories or anything. Can't see much point in it, my own life has joys, and trials enough, no need for make believe.

(Oh and I suppose to tell the truth those size 8s are getting rather snug...)

12 Responses to “Guess I am not honest.”

  1. sarah Says:

    Being a size 8 after having children is fantastic. I've not been a size 8 since I was 8.

  2. Joan.of.the.Arch Says:

    I've been reading this forum for about a year and I have never had the impression that anyone was making up a story. I wonder why anyone would even think of that. Even if you had said you were seven feet tall and your red hair was down to your ankles, well, I'd just be impressed at the improbable actually being true. A person hasn't lived long or widely if they haven't seen a *lot* of things in life that would seem to be highly improbable. Even I who live a rather small and sheltered life see lots of things, people, and events that are just way beyond average. (Plus, I once knew a six foot tall, redhead with very long hair! Your name isn't Ellen, is it?)

  3. mom-from-missouri Says:

    I believe it. Your spunky, and most redheads I know are! But the 6 ft surprises me. I had you in my mind being shorter. You know how you get these images of people in your head-I either hit it right on, or am totally wrong.

  4. Broken Arrow Says:

    Um... yes... YES! I uh we... not believe you!

    We're going to need ample detailed pictures for proof. Wink Big Grin

  5. nanamom Says:

    Why would anyone lie? Unless of course they are trolling for teens as your young friend is encountering.
    Pictures huh, lets see, a picture of the back of your knees with strands of hair on them, and a picture of a tape measure at 72 inches with the tip of a red head against it and one of the tag of a shirt labeled 8. Would that convince BA?

  6. Broken Arrow Says:

    Awww man, nanamom's party pooper. Wink

  7. princessperky Says:

    Heh, I am half tempted to get those pictures for Nanamom and BA! (the ones nanamom describes Smile.)

    Glad to know you all believe me Smile
    Momfrommisurii, yeah I get those pictures in my head too, I am always suprised when I am wrong, and yet I am frequently wrong!

  8. Boefixepa Says:

    I too am facinated with this concept. To me what's the point of not telling the truth. I believe what people are telling me until I have reason not to. I will give them the benifit of the doubt, over and over again. It's also the reason that I avoid most chat rooms and such. I generally just read and lurk. This is one of two that I have ever joined. Mostly because I feel the people here, like you PP, are genuine and honest.

    I don't worry about what other people think, I can't change that!

  9. LuckyRobin Says:

    I don't know, Perky, I always picture you very much like your icon over on the forums, so the long red hair and tall stature and giant sword (now is that actually in the icon or am I adding it in as warrior princess?) are very much in my mind. Though not the size 8 until now. I was thinking more like Xena. Now what is it that makes me think you are a warrior princess? LOL

  10. princessperky Says:
    1168963336 I have to go check on the sword...

    nope no sword Smile but there is one in my from my brother

    and I never fight, but I do my kavetching to my husband, poor guy, patient as all get out while I get fired up about something or another Smile

  11. LuckyRobin Says:

    You battle the forces of overconsumption and debt, forging a path through the spendy people surrounding you...Okay, I'm just being silly now.

  12. princessperky Says:

    Heh, silly is good Smile
    While I am at it I shall be battling the mindless public school drones offense intended of course Smile

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