Home > err an MLM for websites

err an MLM for websites

January 17th, 2007 at 02:15 pm

So lots of MLMs are focused on say selling X, Y or Z because of course you like X Y or Z and you know your friends do to.

Now there is one focused on buying a website and then buying whatever parts of the alphabet you normally buy. (except the flour availible)

You buy a website, liscense and all that, then you buy stuff from yourself and convince others to buy stuff, from themselves, by paying 200 to get their own website....what about matenence fees? you have to renew the site right? No mention of them yet.

Now in all honesty I can understand the concept, makes sense if you are in the habit of buying a lot of stuff (and you can convice a few friends to buy your way), but if you know what we spend you are not comming up with much bought, energy drinks and nike shoes are not on my list...and as for groceries, well pop might be on my husbands wish list, but it isn't going to suddenly get on the list just because it is on 'reduced price'. (that we paid 200 to get it reduced too....)

Not that a couple thousand a month doesn't sound oh so nice, just that....well I can't see it happening. Still gonna do more research, because...they are nice people, I would like it to work, but....not to much hope.

1 Responses to “err an MLM for websites”

  1. Broken Arrow Says:

    Hehe. Gotta love those website-modeled MLMs.

    (I am being sarcastic of course. Big Grin)

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