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What are you selling?

March 7th, 2007 at 04:46 am

Everything we do is a subtle advertisment for something, might be taken wrong (what were those cat wranglers selling anyway?) and it might be taken out of context, but every step you take, every move you make, someone is watching you.

Networks like the buzz word of mouth thing, and 'digg' try to capitalize the selling people do each and every day.

I knew this but a few examples over the last year really drove this point home for me.

I used to pack juice in the kids cups for trips...I personally prefer the flavor to stale water, and I dont mind a weekly or twice weekly treat.

Then I heard a small comment about how I always let my kids drink juice...umm what? oh yeah, all they see of my kids is those trips, and it is always juice. I have since stopped packing juice, "water water everywhere". Fortunatly you can (and we do) drink it.

I also had a friend over who commented "you have a lot of movies"....umm yeah I guess we do, Now I don't plan on ditching the ones I like just to avoid being seen as an avid movie watcher(we are avid readers and occassional movie watchers), but as I plan how to arrange my living room, hiding the movies is prime on my list. Oh and that bookcase I made him put up to get the books out of the closet was done within the week of the comment....

While I do not want to live my life for what others see, I also do not want to advertise what I do not believe in. Not that excessive juice is the worst sin in the world, far from it, this just happens to be one example of something I can sell, or not.

So when I pack for an outing, or make changes to my house setup, or wardrobe, whatever...I often ask "what is this selling" if I can't figure it out, I don't worry, but if the answer is something I don't want to sell, I try to change it

(and I deal with life if I can't, I also deal when I fail, guess wrong, screw up, and otherwise cannot be perfect, but I will try)

2 Responses to “What are you selling?”

  1. LuckyRobin Says:

    The woman behind me at the check out line today had all organic foods, she seemed to be trying to sell the world that she was a healthy eater. Which I might have believed until I saw the 10 rolls of sweet tarts, the diet soda with aspartame and the diet cranberry with artificial sweetner of some sort. Yeah, that really told me she wasn't all that healthy an eater.

    Of course, personally I don't care, because no one else's opinion of me matters more to me than my own. I'm not sure if that means I'm self-centered or have grand self-esteem. Maybe a little of both? But life's too short for me to hide my movies or worry about the fact that I only took down my outdoor Christmas lights today. LOL

  2. Fern Says:

    I don't know, asking yourself the question "What is this selling?" everytime you turn around is pretty much like asking "What will others think of me?"

    My answer is, who cares? You'll spend too much time and energy worrying about appearances. Just be true to your own beliefs. You'll never get everyone to approve anyway, so why even think about it?

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