Home > Eragon, and Eldest book missing computer complaint

Eragon, and Eldest book missing computer complaint

April 4th, 2007 at 05:59 pm

This is a good time for a computer to be broken, or rather the last 4 days were I borrowed and read Eragon and Eldest for the duration, I am now done, I would like my computer back....

If you are interested in dragons, fantasy, elves and strange creatures, epic struggles, and well failed missions. It is a good read.

If you are looking for a book with nice neat tied up ends..these are not the books. I finished with more irritation than love for the next book. Dude still hasn't avenged his dad from book one, and this book just added more to his tasks!

Though honestly it isn't a half bad book...and while I think it could use some editing help, far to often in Eldest the wonderful descriptions cover 5 minutes of fantasy time in 5 minutes of reading, leaving the rest of a 3 week journy with no page space to describe!

I think the 2 books would have been better served as at least 3, if not 4 to get to this point, or else Paolini should have ditched half his world.

Trying to cram the history of elves, man, ra'zac (insectlike monsters), riders, dvergar (dwarves) dragons, and urgal (large man like horned monsters) into such a short space along with three different romances (the hero, his cousin, and his dragon), plus the epic battles, betrayals, and miscelaneous comments regarding life, faith, and community, is a bit much for two (albeit thick) books.

But, they are good books, and cool battles, thoguh not half as good as David Webber writes, He can make a space battle interesting, and write wonderful sword play (Honor Harrington novels and Oath of Swords)

In short, I am nitpociking, because the author is a homeschooled kid..well 20 something so not quite a kid, but still. He was homeschooled, I should love his work, instead, it is just...good enough.

And that is yet another reason why I should keep my comments to myself, too picky, always wanting more...I don't complain about J R R Tolkien, why would I complain about Paolini?

Same reason I complain about my kids, they I can change. Tolkien is long past changing Middle Earth.....Of course I have a right and obligation to work on my kids,(Speaking of complaining about my kids, my youngest still has an 'accident' (potty training) a day sometimes two, my middle girl can't keep a 6 from a 9, and my oldest, well he is still my behavioral handful...sigh)anyway a 20 something bestselling author..he can do what he wants and I have no right to complain, besides his editor prolly told him no one would stick around to read 6 books of one riders journey (humph, Drizzt won fans over like a dozen? books, I think readers can handle 6)

Now see what happens when I can't balance a checkbook or update payoff charts? I babble on about books! I need my hardrive back!

PS did you know you could read Webbers books online?

Text is Wind Riders and Link is's%20Oath/index.htm
Wind I guess I am not out of books Smile.)

5 Responses to “Eragon, and Eldest book missing computer complaint”

  1. moi aussi Says:

    oooo I really liked Eragon- the book. I haven't watched the movie and don't think I will bother either. How's the Elder compared to Eragon?

  2. littlemama Says:

    My 12 yr. old son saw the movie and said it was not near a good as the book.

  3. LuckyRobin Says:

    Well, as the author matures, I'm sure he'll figure out a way to get to the point sooner. If he doesn't, he won't last. Though with the money he's made with all this stuff, he probably doesn't need to last.

  4. nanamom Says:

    I haven't read them but am considering it. Would non reading much 15 year old boys enjoy them? As to your kids as I recall the one "still" having an accident isn't even 18 months, the little one with a 6 or 9 has something in common with my 3 yr old (sometimes we confuse an 8 too) and judging from your website and other posts, the behavioral challenge and the middle one are both brilliant. Sympathy doesn't rear it's head!!!

  5. princessperky Says:

    Hey like I said I am hardest on those I care about...

    I have no idea about a non reading 15 year old, they are thick books..not really starter books. try the xanth, or myth series..early books, or mid, not late (too, umm political for both.)

    The second is good, but worse on the cram it all in.

    I have heard several complaints the movie wasn't any good, so I guess we will skip it.

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