Home > free reading test and worksheets k-5

free reading test and worksheets k-5

May 16th, 2007 at 08:24 pm

I found the test a bit longer than 5 minutes, but I had to read the directions first...if you take this test with your kids, read the directions then call them over!

I also found the skills to test a bit higher than my expectations, but I understand they are based on No Child Left Behind standards (we'll leave the commentary on that to another day)

Text is ReadingKey and Link is

On this page is lots of 'why you need us' and a link to a test that will ask for a name and approximate grade level (though I do not know why since you then have to take a pretest before it will send you to the actual grade test...)

Might be a direct link to the test.

Text is reading test and Link is
reading test

The first 9 weeks of each grade are free to download and print, as well as some of the extras.

Text is printable links and Link is
printable links

Scroll down for each grade (including kindergarten level) look for clues like 'worksheets' to find the free part.

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