Home > how many pots and pans do you have?

how many pots and pans do you have?

August 6th, 2007 at 05:12 pm

We are reading my mothers 3rd grade reader. I read it when I learned to read and now it is GMCs turn.

One line is 'mother thought herself rich in pans' she had three, a frying pan, a cast iron pot, and a 'spider' (like a frying pan, on legs, used for baking bread over a fire)

So I asked GMC how many I had, he said 'LOTS', and I defended myself, I don't have that many, I have a big one, and a medium one, and a umm ok fine, I have lots. Not to mention I bake bread in a bread pan, and cake in a cake pan, and have a 'brownie pan (square, that I never use for brownies, just force of habit call it that)

Even with all the reading about pioneer times and the constant urge to purge useless stuff I have the kitchen of a king compared to pioneer times or current day 3rd world countries (what exactly does that mean? 3rd down the line from USA? like there is USA, the couple competitors, and all them other ones...)

And yet....I know for a fact most of my 'peers' have more than I do, most have tons of pots pans or baking supplies, when I gave away a couple silicone liners I was offered purchase of more muffin cups...umm I have the number that fills my oven...after that I dump and re-pour. (love the silicone liners, makes that sooo easy to do)

Now I can't see getting rid of any more stuff, I use most all of what I have monthly at the least, and I can store it. But I can be thankful for how rich in pots I am (and I know this is a revisited topic, sorry)

4 Responses to “how many pots and pans do you have?”

  1. Joan.of.the.Arch Says:

    More pots and pans are in my kitchen than were in my parents', but theirs were generally better quality than mine. The ones I have that are good quality, I don't take for granted. I feel really lucky to have them.

    The muffin pan issue came up in my house this morning. I have a packaged mix which makes five medium muffins. Five? Why not six so that it would fill a normal muffin pan? (Actually I have one of those pans that holds 12.) I think Martha White company just wanted to reduce the contents by 1/6 and hoped the consumer would not notice before they purchased....Anyway, I was thinking how I really wished my muffin pan only held six, or that I had a second pan for six. But I don't want to bring in anymore pans!

  2. baselle Says:

    I have a 5 skillets and 4 pots, not so many baking pans. I've decided not to learn to bake - it would just be for the two of us, and suddenly we'd both be eating too many baked goods.

    3rd world - a carryover from the Cold War. 1st world - "developed" countries allied with the US; 2nd world - "developed" countries allied with the USSR & sometimes Communist China; 3rd world - everybody else, generally those up for grabs.

  3. Carolina Bound Says:

    I have at least two of everything, since my cousin and I are merging households. Maybe next summer we'll have a big garage sale!

  4. nanamom Says:

    I've been thinking of downsizing a bunch of stuff but am going to start with the plastics cupboard. I have been considering pots and pans as well. I hardly ever use all of them.

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