Home > Out of baking powder..

Out of baking powder..

February 23rd, 2007 at 09:32 pm

This is a problem! I bake every weekend (and then some) and I always use baking powder, in large quantities.

I tried one batch with soda and umm, shoot what is that stuff called.....cream of tarter, thats it, I read somewhere that the two in some combination works almost as good. We shall see.

And my local grocer stopped selling whole wheat flour..again a problem, Ig o thru 10lbs in a little less than a month, now I have to go find a new store to get it from.

Course snce I sent him in for flour, my husband tried a substitute, unbleached flour..instead he may have acuired a replacement for regular flour..wonder if I can find it in 20lb bags somewhere? (that is about a month of flour. 20lb of white, 10lb of whole wheat)

4 Responses to “Out of baking powder..”

  1. Amber Says:

    Good luck on the flour, but did you try plakes like Costco or Sma's they tend to carry those large bulks.

  2. princessperky Says:

    Not whole wheat and not unbleached Frown but they do carry the refined stuff!

  3. LuckyRobin Says:

    Did he check the bulk bins? Sometimes when they don't carry it in the pre-bagged section anymore they still have it in the bulk bins.

  4. princessperky Says:

    Our local store doesn't have bulk bins...niether does BJs

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