I had to wash the bathroom rugs again, yet another potty accident. But I felt proud of myself, I hung them over the shower bar to dry, makes my bathroom smell like clean laundry!
Tonight is another trip to the grocery store, and while I still have to make my list, I have high hopes that it will be about 50$ again. After a couple months of 50 I am going to try and go down a little further. Right now I am focusing on putting up with 67 degree house and not going to BJ's.
I made some cinnamon pie last night for the kids to eat, and I will tyr to make more beaten ships buiscuits today for the kids, though my husband ate most of the last ones. (after making fun of me for making what is essentially 'hard tac' the stuff old soldiers ate before there were MREs. (for fantasy readers, that is 'cram')
Unfortunatly for the no BJ attempt, my daughter refuses to tell me when she needs the potty, she will tell her dad, but not me. Which means that we are out of diapers and I don't want to resort to the pullups, so she is in underware and I will be doing alot of laundry for awhile.
Hanging mats, groceries, BJs and more
December 27th, 2004 at 02:56 pm