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Archive for February, 2010

Finally bought a paper

February 28th, 2010 at 08:18 pm

Also my MIL mailed me some of her coupons with my birthday present (decafe Salada tea!)

So now I have a huge pile of coupons, none of which for anything I generally buy.

But I see again that if I had the coupons for January some good donat-able items would be free and a few usable (soap and toothpaste)

I also have the ad for walgreens (starts today) and toothbrushes are free with an add coupon, and a printable one, so that is something I guess.

I sorted the coupons so I can find them, I had a box from recent newsletter printing (wonderful fellow prints them for scouts) and I took scrap paper (much free -rest failed printing/coupon scraps) and folded it to make dividers.

Lables roughly by store aisle/type of food (condiments, canned goods, baking) I assume as I go along if I get any good I may relable, but for now it is all done and waiting.

Now off to read my comics Smile. I know I could read them online, but I never do, something nice and peaceful about the paper version. Though not always that funny....

Have to have a little chat...

February 26th, 2010 at 06:57 pm

I sent my husband off to the store yesterday with the few coupons we had and a traditional list.

He came home with a wii game and a camera thing.

Now yes the Wii game was bought by my son with his recent gift money, and the camera thing was on sale for $5, from $20ish.

BUT, still. Just because you get a few things free doesn't mean you get to go spending that savings on other items!

Some coupons, some freebees

February 24th, 2010 at 03:44 pm

Well we still do not have a paper.

But there was one printable coupon that would make tuna free. Plus a few that would make some samples of baby soap free.

And from this website

Text is southernsavers and Link is

I found a couple online freebee offers, so we maybe getting some samples in the mail.

Nothing to remarkable, not really worth my effort today.

Had to buy Mangos

February 22nd, 2010 at 12:16 am

Last time my husband went to BJs (warehouse store) he had to buy some Mangoes.

Not because we needed them, they are just a fun treat. But because the store wouldn't give him money back and he paid with BJ reward checks.

Our entire grocery bill was less than the checks, and rather than lose a couple bucks, husband got a treat for us all.

The checks pay for the reward card, and we also save on milk, bread and a few other basics.

Link worth sharing

February 19th, 2010 at 09:47 pm

Text is Cracked on Credit cards and Link is
Cracked on Credit cards

I normally do not share their links no matter how funny/informative, because they have a serious lack of regard for polite language. I realize it seems silly to complain about swearing on a site that spends more time on gutter jokes than anywhere else, but still I do complain.

Todays is a lovely funny example of why credit card minimums are useless.

Trying the coupon thing

February 18th, 2010 at 11:56 pm

I have a good friend who does the coupon thing and manages free meals all the time.

Now some of what she eats I wont (white pasta, etc) but other items I will (canned tomatoes, beans, cheese)

And this week is some sort of super special double the coupons all the way up to 1.98. so she sent me a couple websites with ideas, and it turns out a couple items on them we would use, and a couple would be good for donation.

Text is mrsmoneysaver and Link is

She has many different pieces of info, you can just click on the store deals and it will open a window with all sorts of stores and which coupons make this free or at least a good price.

Plus I had found another site, with similar info, and a printable shopping list. Only trouble is they didn't seem to agree on prices.

First off I noticed that if I had been getting a paper for a few weeks, I would have a lot more options of free items. Then I noticed, that while a few items were usefull for us, most were just donation type stuff. Since I had two bags to fill for my daughters scout troop food collection; I thought at least the bags could be filled a bit cheaper than normal.

Then I found that there was more work in printing coupons than I thought, some required info and emails, others some sort of printing software.

Regardless, I printed out a lot of coupons and gave it a try.

My HT receipt shows a savings of 63.49. But final tally was 43.64

Not as cool as many manage, but partly inflated due to me buying things we needed regardless of 'super' deals. The mustard was a fine price at a little over a dollar after coupon, not amazing, but better than paying full price (and we were out of it) Bananas were on sale at 40cents a lb, but not amazingly low or anything.

On the other hand we did manage some really cool deals.

The toothpaste was not on my grocery list, but it was two free tubes. The junky bagel bites, not needed, but a fun free treat.

Most of what we bought was either going to donations, or on our list regardless of price. (Though several had coupons, so nice to find list items that match coupons)

In the end the trip was worth it, the time to compile the list and print was a bit longer than I had hoped, but I think it has a learning curve, I expect if I manage to do this again, it wont take so long.

I wasn't so lucky at target, though two of the three things were made better by coupons. (the third was cheaper generic)

I also had a printable rebate for Olay, 15 back for any three items. I spent several minutes at the store trying to find items for $5, but in the end I gave up I wasn't sure what counted, nor if they would send me 15 if the item was only 3.99 each, what if they didn't send me anything because the item was to small?

I went back to the website that had the printable
Text is target trip and Link is
target trip I don't know if I will try again, I might just pass this off to my coupon friend!
BTW the items would be for donation, the church collects body wash, and the like for a womans shelter.

I hope to have more luck in the future getting coupons to match sales, but wont be too surprised if it turns out hard and we never do more than save on occasional items.

Unrelated short thoughts

February 13th, 2010 at 08:05 pm

* We got our annual update from the mortgage, apparently taxes are going up. We have a choice as always to pay a lump sum now and keep the payment the same or pay more over the next 12 months. Usually I pay upfront, but this time we will let the mortgage go up. We have the money in savings now, but since there is no promise of income anytime soon, we might as well leave spare in the savings and take our time draining it.

** Yesterday was another day out of the house with no eating out. We packed some snacks, and a late lunch and more snacks before coming home to a late dinner. The day at the local science center even had free parking due to a new exhibit opening. The kids loved it, and even though we were dog tired by the end, it was a good day.
Bringing my Feb total up to 12 points.

***I was asked to be the 'Daisy coordinator' next fall for the local GS council. On the one hand that is a relatively easy job...on the other, I don't need another volunteer job!

****Speaking of GS, apparently the council lady in charge (dunno her official title) has only one computer with two teen kids! Can you imagine only one computer? I know plenty of folk manage, but.....I can't! (or rather I am REALLY grateful I don't have to!)

Does this count?

February 10th, 2010 at 08:48 pm

So it is now 10 days into February, we still have not eaten out, nor stopped at vending machines, or qickie marts.

BUT we did go to the grocery store to buy food for the scouts to make. The boys needed to make a desert for their Ach. Pudding being the easiest we stopped to grab some, and while we were there got more oranges (4 for $1), carrots, grapes (on sale), sunflower seeds (for the trail mix part of the ACH) and ....potato chips.

Yeah potato chips, so not healthy (wasn't even the fancy 'we claim we are healthy' kind. Just one greasy bag of junk. I was in the mood.

So we are either at 10 pts or 9, depending on how strict you are.

Have I mentioned how much I love online bill pay?

February 5th, 2010 at 07:56 pm

Really, I love modern convenience.

Some things are not as good the new way (pudding, real pudding, or better yet mousse, is so worth someone else putting the effort into it). But technology makes so many other things so much better!

I just plopped down spent 5 minutes (including typing this rave review) and paid two bills, no stamp, no walk in the rain to the mailbox, and no worry that I will forget, bills are paid or scheduled to be paid in an instant.

Joining the eating in challenge

February 4th, 2010 at 08:36 pm

Well this month I can totally expect a nice easy 'win' (or tie).

See eating out doesn't fall under the heading of 'things to spend on when out of work'!

I think the last time was Dec, with free pizza for kids. And I do have free pizza coupons the kids earned, but we are fully capable of getting just the kid pizza, no adult orders.

so far on day 4 of the month, we have eaten 2 meals out of the house, both were packed (one PB no J, one leftover pasta we nuked at church).

Co-op has switched to Tuesday afternoons, so I will have to make certain I always have a dinner available. With piano lessons starting before co-op I will also have to pack a lunch, two meals for the whole family out of the house every week. Plus whatever happens for Sundays.