So it is now 10 days into February, we still have not eaten out, nor stopped at vending machines, or qickie marts.
BUT we did go to the grocery store to buy food for the scouts to make. The boys needed to make a desert for their Ach. Pudding being the easiest we stopped to grab some, and while we were there got more oranges (4 for $1), carrots, grapes (on sale), sunflower seeds (for the trail mix part of the ACH) and ....potato chips.
Yeah potato chips, so not healthy (wasn't even the fancy 'we claim we are healthy' kind. Just one greasy bag of junk. I was in the mood.
So we are either at 10 pts or 9, depending on how strict you are.
Does this count?
February 10th, 2010 at 08:48 pm
February 10th, 2010 at 09:30 pm 1265837422
February 11th, 2010 at 09:53 pm 1265925219