August 31st, 2011 at 06:30 pm
I got tired of guessing which bills were coming out of the bank on which week, so I put them all on the calender.
And of course having about a billion other things on there, I needed a new color for them.
I picked yellow, figured it was a 'important' color, but not a 'stop' nor a 'go'. So slow down take a look and proceed with caution seemed appropriate.
Now when I want to know if there will be money coming in before it has to go out, I can click the 'bills' tab on my google calender.
I love my google calender.
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Complaint department
August 30th, 2011 at 06:11 pm
Well, we survived the unemployment. Actually quite well. For the most part unemployment paid the bills. We took on a few odd jobs, received several gifts from anonymous (a real sweetheart). And ended up with a small CC bill, plus a small interest free dental bill.
Both should be paid by the end of September.
Sadly we have no savings left, hope to have that back by the end of December.
The new job pays better than the old, though it is only guaranteed through November. If it gets renewed it should be for another year.
All 5 kids are doing well, still homeschooled, and still as frustrating and adorable as always
You can check up on them at my homeschooling type blog.
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Complaint department
August 28th, 2011 at 05:26 pm
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