Home > Color (colour) coded bills

Color (colour) coded bills

August 31st, 2011 at 06:30 pm

I got tired of guessing which bills were coming out of the bank on which week, so I put them all on the calender.

And of course having about a billion other things on there, I needed a new color for them.

I picked yellow, figured it was a 'important' color, but not a 'stop' nor a 'go'. So slow down take a look and proceed with caution seemed appropriate.

Now when I want to know if there will be money coming in before it has to go out, I can click the 'bills' tab on my google calender.

I love my google calender.

1 Responses to “Color (colour) coded bills”

  1. Petunia 100 Says:

    Sounds like a great idea!

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