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PGH spending plans

April 19th, 2005 at 11:51 am

Well to get there from here is about 2 tanks of gas each way (plus some for down there) then there is the grocery shopping, we spend as much shopping there if not more than here, and we don't have to buy as many meals, mainly cause I don't really have the same options, not my kitchen so I can't use it fully. Not to mention the stockpiles we have here don't help, my MIL has the perfect stuffede to the gils cuboard of nothing to eat. She needs flylady Smile.

Anyway that is going to run around 100$ plus the trip to the science center at 14 each adult and 10 for DS (he just turned 3 and started costing us money Frown.)

That should be it though, and the ILs usually give us some loot so we might break even, or at least not spend more than 50$ total.

Now all I have to do is go pack Frown. I hate packing nowadays, with the kids you have to try and find some stuff the ILs got for them that they will wear, and pack extras for accidents, and I no longer pack double outfits, in case DH and I go out, we just don't Frown

OH and my sandals busted!!!! not so good, I am down to 2 pairs of pants that fit and then I have a couple dresses, I do not wear tennis shoes with dresses, so I can't wear them till I get new sandals, which wont be till after we get back from PGH! unless I buy them there?

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