Home > well we left the house

well we left the house

June 10th, 2005 at 12:42 pm

So much for staying home Smile. We went to Discovery place, a bit more than we needed to spend, but if I am going to splurge I want to do it on fun/educational stuff. Ran about 30$ for admission and parking (sigh in pgh parking is free and the center is bigger) But the kids had a lot of fun and so did we.

Then DH decided to splurge on food, we usually get a 'reward' for finishing the peanut butter sandwhiches, but this time DH got a whole hamburger meal, and two chicken nugget meals, on the up side it was a LOT of food, we didn't manage to finish the fries, and we have some sandwhiches to use tonight when we go to the skating rink. (I know more of a splurge, but fun and kindof educational)

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