Home > Sunburn :( and vacation plans

Sunburn :( and vacation plans

July 25th, 2005 at 01:18 pm

well everyone has a light burn on the face and DH on the shoulders, and we were wearing sunscreen! I often forget to reapply in time, and with a pasty white family that spells disaster (or P I N K anyway).

Sunscreen unfortunatly costs ALOT! and we do like the pool so we ar out quite a bit, I sometimes consider figuring out how much for the summer, but I am afraid of the total!

Vacation to see my new niece is planned for first week in August, low cost, one day trip to GA, looooong drive, but tha tis the major amount of cost there, then dinner on the way back, and packed food for the trip, plus a new baby gift. And I get to take pictures Smile.

Then we are going to pgh the next weekend, that will cost, alot, mainly cause we no longer have free bedspace in pogh, ok we could, but I do not want to start WWIII with my MIL, so we will get a cabin. that and the renfest tickests and gas money should kill our next big CC payment Frown, but we will get to see family for the last time this year.

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