Home > Imaginary spending

Imaginary spending

February 1st, 2006 at 12:30 pm

Since the CC will be paid off, as soon as the check clears and I figure out how to pay it with no bill. DH and I have to figure out what to do with the surplus, there is sooo much we want to do, but

A. The 'surplus' is not an exact amount.
B. It will never be enough to do everything we want!

So while it is su[pposed to be a good thing to have 'extra money' it is turnning out ot be almost as much stress as the CC bill was!!

AND I am finding it hard to do some 'ugh' things to save money (line dry, cloth diapers) when I do not have a CC bill looming over my head! I almost think the best use (after Washington trip) would be to convince myself I HAVE to pay off the mortgage, but that is 100,000! THat would take FOREVER! So it is a 'out there goal' meaning really hard for me to commit too. (the car is 0% interest, making it not really a big deal to pay or not...)

4 Responses to “Imaginary spending”

  1. kashi Says:

    I don't remember - do you have an emergency fund already?

  2. robex Says:

    Give yourself a big pat on the back for paying off the bill! Enjoy watching your savings grow for your Washington trip...

  3. baselle Says:

    That's fantastic that you're nearly done with the credit card. Now you have the fun of learning about investments. I'd take a toe dip with the fixed ones - CD, I-bonds, etc, before you go for the truly risky ones.

  4. PrincessPerky Says:

    I have 1000 in an EF, plus the ING which is aimed at Washington, with hopeful leftover.

    Before I start investing there are things like life insurance, and paying off the house I want to work on!

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