Home > Baking adventures

Baking adventures

February 2nd, 2006 at 02:46 pm

I made them again last night, still a mess, but also good. I rolled them the other way to make the rolls thicker and have less, it worked better. I had frozen the leftover icing and found out it thaws VERY quickly! but was very good.

Last night I also tried to make 'Wookie' cookies, which is a brown sugar and cinnamon chocolate chip cookie. but I found out I had no eggs, after I already creamed the butter of course, I decided to just mix anyway, then I remembered I had no chocolate chips!!!!

I had to use a bit of milk to make it mix, but we cooked them and it tastes like...err well odd, but good. Though I will not be repeating the test, until the next time I go to make cookies and discover I am out of eggs!

Edit to add: They taste better after sitting in the fridge overnight!

4 Responses to “Baking adventures”

  1. jeffrey Says:

    lol - whenever I cook, things come out odd, but since I'm in Japan, nobody seems to notice Wink

  2. Cathy Says:

    Did you know you can substiture soy flour for eggs? Cheap and it tastes the same when it is baked. (The batter tastes different, if you like to lick your fingers, but the end result tastes the same. We did blind taste tests, because we are nerds. Smile

    Anyway, soy flour can be found in the bulk section of most health food stores. If if is more than 1.50 a pound, pass on it and find a cheaper source. I usually pay .89-.99 cent a pound. You can keep it in the pantry and it does not go bad! Plus, per use, it is often cheaper than eggs.

    To use: A heaping Tablespoon of soy flour and a Tablespoon of water = one egg.

  3. Marilla Says:

    Thanks for the soy flour info! I am working on becoming vegan, but struggle with letting go of eggs and cheese. MMmmmmm....cheese....

  4. PrincessPerky Says:

    Heh cheese is a daily food here!

    I have heard of soy flour before, I think considering how often I run out without noticing I should get some!

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