Home > Summer, please!

Summer, please!

March 9th, 2006 at 01:42 pm

Ok so I relly shouldn't complain, plenty of people in the north are in the middle of winter right now, and here I am with cold feet complaining about the weather which will be 65 or 70 mid afternoon. But I live in the south for a reason, I want summer here!!!!

Now ask me mid August and I will be desperate for winter!

I am cold, I want to dress my baby in less, My kids out the door faster and without wondering whihc coat is needed. I want to go outside more (burn calories!) and I want to stop having the winter sloth that effects me every year (I think they have a disease name for it now, something about lack of sunshine makeing people depressed, and stuff - I just get fat and lazy though, or well that and a bit depressed)

3 Responses to “Summer, please!”

  1. kashi Says:

    I am completely with you on that. Unfortunately summer is a good three months away here. The disorder is called Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).

  2. jodi_m Says:

    Sorry, Princess, no sympathy here in central NY. Still snow on the ground...still freezing out...I just can't muster the sympathy for it being only 50 or 60 out! Smile But I guess this is what I get for living in NY...

  3. PrincessPerky Says:

    Kashi thanks for the name.
    Jodi, s'ok I have a great deal of sympathy for you!

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