So far this Months working out challenge has been a frugal success, apparently if you just do it it works! I am a 'perfectionist' not as in I do it all right, but that if I don't do it perfect I want to give up and avoid it.
Well has some strength training moves, written out, I am terrible at following workout directions written out. But I did it, I just tried to figure them out for 20 minutes, and I surrvived! Judging by mild pain and desire to rest the following day I think I did some good! I have done it three times now, and while I still don't think I am doing it perfectly, but I seem to be getting more definition in my waistline, so it must be doing something!
I also have the misconception that a mini walk is a waste of time, which is silly with all the reports on how any excercise is beter than none, so this week even if I can only get out for 15 minutes (20 if you count coat s on time for 3 little ones!) I am doing it! I did it once already this week (the other days we had time for 30 minutes or more) It was a bit cold and we had to spend more time bundleing up than at the playground, but we did it, and I burned (according to I think 75 calories. Hey thats 75 more than nothing!
working on working out
March 9th, 2006 at 01:54 pm