Home > It matches!

It matches!

March 16th, 2006 at 12:46 pm

I am gonna be in trouble!

JC comes out of her room yesterday all happy "it matches” It was a shirt and pants, of two complimentary shades of pink. (That is a word I thought I would never use for clothes!)

Now to understand the trouble you have to know I am one of those people that only wears the basic colors and only in solids, I don't trust my fashion sense! I say I only wear what I have liked for years cause I like it, but also because I am done trying to figure out what looks good on me! I have half a dozen basic outfits that work and no luck experimenting!

This is incredibly frugal, I have no real clothing envy, only fashion sense envy! Which is not fixable with cash, so no real worry about me blowing the budget on clothes! But now I have a daughter who loves clothes, and actually seems to know what matches, I could be in big trouble as she grows and learns clothes can be bought, they don't just come from Grandmas!

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