Home > Newborn cat trials.

Newborn cat trials.

April 1st, 2006 at 03:39 pm

Well the backyard scrap stealer had kittens, and is now MIA, which leaves us with one adorable kitten, umbilical cord still on!

Wanna know how much formula for a kitten costs? I havn't found out yet, but I bet it will be a depressing number, and sad to say I am a pessimist, there is no way a baby cat looks about a day or two old, will survive! But I am not going ot let it starve without trying...

4 Responses to “Newborn cat trials.”

  1. Thrifty Ray Says:

    Pet formula is indeed expensive. (don't forget the syringe to feed it with)...we hand fed one of our pups before and he survived...but he had at least had a few feedings with mom...

    Good luck with the kitty- please keep us updated on the progress...

  2. Ima saver Says:

    Sure hope the baby kitty makes it! Thank you for helping!

  3. baselle Says:

    Good luck with the baby kitten. Keep it warm, too!

  4. PrincessPerky Says:

    I can't post a new entry! but thought I would tell you that the kitten is still alive.

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