Home > Just how expensive are kids anyway?

Just how expensive are kids anyway?

April 3rd, 2006 at 02:12 pm

I keep seeing all these estimates of how expensive kids are, and I am wondering where they come up with the expense. sure they can cost, but they don't have to be that bad. (though any cost is more than zero, I'll give you that) Looking at my own budget I can safely say that 5 are living as cheaply as the two of us used to. So what makes us so different?

If I look at the first cost of a baby, the hospital, good insurance is essential! My boys cost me around 300 each, my Girl, well she was one of those, 'lower the insurance and just don't get pregnant' I learned my lesson!

Rule number 1: Have good insurance, check maternity care first! Then check well baby/child visits.

Then there is feeding a newborn, really breast milk is practically free, a little extra food for mom, and that is it! No you don't need a pump unless you really want to go back to work (search info on the 'two income trap' before you buy one) Once your baby is ready for solids, invest 10 or 20 in a hand blender, then cook and puree your own, it really is easy, not quite as easy as opening a jar, but almost (and you never have to worry about running out so long as you have a bag of frozen fruit, or vegetable around..which you should since the rest of the family is eating healthy right?) Once you move to 'table food' (meaning non pureed) it is even easier, smush up exactly what mom and dad are eating. No extra work!

Rule number two: Feed them real food! (it is cheaper, and healthier

I'll get back to you with more, but right now I have to attend to rule number three- potty business!

2 Responses to “Just how expensive are kids anyway?”

  1. Brittany Says:

    I agree with you... kids don't have to cost a fortune. I breast feed my baby and it saves so much money. However we ended up paying close to $2,000 for his hospital and doctors bills. ouch!

  2. PrincessPerky Says:

    My second child was more than that Frown. But I learned my lesson! I hope to spread the news, get good maternity care!

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