Home > Aprils monthly goal

Aprils monthly goal

April 5th, 2006 at 06:31 pm

It is small, really small, but hard....get a plant to grow!!!!

Every spring we try and every spring we get, well some shoots, but his year I am going to do it right! I am going to remember to water them (ok make the kids do that!) and remember to weed sometimes, and I might research frugal fertalizer.

Now all I have to do is plant them!

4 Responses to “Aprils monthly goal”

  1. nanamom Says:

    Frugal Fertilizer: Manure? Did I get you to say Oh Yuck? I know from personal experience that horse manure works.

  2. contrary1 Says:

    You can also make manure "tea" which is free if you can get a shovel or two of fresh manure!

    Just start a big container with your free manure and fill with water. Stir occasionally if so inclined...........then dip your watering can in and feed your plants every so often.

    I do this with a pitchfork of the bedding from the chickens. Our "tea" barrel is always brewing. Can't beat FREE.

  3. midlight21 Says:

    Check out! I found the site recently and it has been an endless supply of knowledge to keep my plants alive. I just dug a new garden and have two rose bushes in it. I'm about to add a third. I do all the landscaping for our house.

  4. PrincessPerky Says:

    Err we have no manure to borrow, and yeah it is gross!

    thanks for the website idea, Ill look into it.

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