Home > 'coin jar'-err box, tube, thing...

'coin jar'-err box, tube, thing...

April 10th, 2006 at 07:03 pm

Well I saw the blog about different coin jars, and thought how weird mine is now.

We have one for pennies, I am not usre why? Partly because we don't drive the church crazy by letting the kids take pennies, which brings us to our other 'jar'.

A tupperware coin tower. The kids love to sort the coins and then take them to sunday school (no bills, they would rip) meaning we generally have none to call our own around.

Except wierd coins and special coins, for that we have a lock box (like anyone wants our 2$ worth of foriegn currency and holey coins (really with holes)

Mainly I think it all takes up space, so what does that say about us? we have to much junk?

1 Responses to “'coin jar'-err box, tube, thing...”

  1. Personal Finance Advice Says:

    [ Trackback From: Personal Finance Advice - Coin Jar - What’s Yours Like? ]


    Okay, I admit it. I have a curiosity of people’s coin jars. I love it when I visit a house for the first time and they have their coin jar in full view. I find it interesting...

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