Home > We're ba-ack!

We're ba-ack!

April 22nd, 2006 at 02:50 pm

We are finally home! REally home.

We had an interesting time.

Tuesday we got a flat tire, plus lost twice. (Dh was NOT happy!) but we fixed Grandmas computer, no printer or internet though..Forgot to hand over half the stuff we had.

Wednesday we got lost once, late twice, forgot to hand over half the stuff we had.

Thursday I caught the oven on fire...Boy does a fire extinguisher make a HUGE mess!

Friday I escapped! I went out shopping with my mother, and dinner with my cousin, best day of vacation I have EVER had! (took UE with me, left the older two with the ILs)

Cost wise the trip actually turned out pretty cheap, every one kept treating us!

5 Responses to “We're ba-ack!”

  1. lrjohnson Says:

    I think it's kinda cute you posted this in "Complaint Department"-you sound overall pretty happy about the trip. Welcome back!

  2. PrincessPerky Says:

    Whats a flat tire and a fire when you're getting to see family!

  3. markio26 Says:

    really missed your posts... welcome back and a belated easter to ya!

  4. PrincessPerky Says:


  5. nanamom Says:

    Even though the dinner with your cousin was probably better than breakfast and shopping with your mother it is good to know you had fun.

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