Home > Susie homemaker I am not

Susie homemaker I am not

May 1st, 2006 at 02:02 pm

So I quit, trying to be her that is! I can do many things right, but sewing is not one of my talents, so I am giving away my machine

Text is (anyone want it?) and Link is
(anyone want it?)

I am also no good at scrapbooking, I just gave my stuff to my mom, she seems to like it.

But before anyone (like me) goes thinking I am not good for anything..I am good at teaching, so long as I do it my way, so I give what I don't use to my mom and adapt the rest. (Mom also teaches her own)

I am also pretty good at crossstich, maybe if I stop trying to be good at all the other stuff I will have time to do it!

Plus I love baking, so I keep all the baking supplies I use (but I don't do cheescake, so anyone need a springform pan or 3?)

The less time (and money) I waste on attempts at being susie homemaker, the more time (and money) I have to do what I am good at!

9 Responses to “Susie homemaker I am not”

  1. kashi Says:

    What kind of machine is it? I might be willing to pay for the shipping costs. Wink
    I hear ya...I have a ton of yarn that still has not been made into scarves or blankets or anything.

  2. Princessperky Says:

    I made the "anyone want it" a link, casue the url of the pic is long and doesn't work right in comments.

    It doesn't get good reviews, but I am glad Mom didn't pay mcuh for me to try and fail at sewing.

    I'll still send it to you, but be forwarned it isn't the best.

  3. kashi Says:

    Yeah, you're probably right. I bet you could get something for it if you posted it on craigslist, though.

    I love that epinions link, where it says she uses the machine to make outfits for her guinea pigs! Ha!

  4. Princessperky Says:

    Yeah that is interesting, I am just trying to picture getting an outfit on a guinea pig...

  5. contrary1 Says:

    I had to laugh...........when I was packing to move this past year, I found 5 cheesecake pans. (I've never made a cheesecake........nor will I ever make one). Freecycled all of them! Felt great to get rid of them.

    Funny what accumulates in a home, isn't it?

  6. boomeyers Says:

    I'm amazed that the older I get, the easier it is to admit, I'm just not good at some things and never will be. Very free-ing!

  7. PRICEPLUS Says:

    I can sew a button or a patch on. I can also sw a hem on a pair of panys. That us the extent of my sewing talent!Frown

  8. nanamom Says:

    Sewing machines come in handy as time goes by, I remember when I never used one and now it is in use an amazing amount of time. As I recall that out of use time was when my kids were small. Suzie homemaker had a double or six to help her do the house keeping. How else could you have seen her commercials on three different stations on the same day? As for cross stitch, I take my hat off to you if you can do that with three little ones around. I tried to do one when I had no distractions and a "coach" and gave up after several rows. I won't describe what the back of my work looked like. Actually I won't describe what the front of my work looked like! Teaching your children especially with materials that are original or almost original is awesome and Suzy should take her hat off to you. Of course she won't since she is so busy doing housework that she didn't get around to combing her hair today.

  9. Princessperky Says:

    Well I wont reveal I know your age but lets just say someone could be getting very good use out of this machine before I find the free time to use it!

    I don't want to wait till I am older to know what I am limited to, when I get older I might have time and then I will expirament the meantime..out out out!

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