I found an interesting website (thru flylady) called
The Brat Factor"And it hit me, I wouldn't allow my kids to act the way I do sometimes!
The site tells us to name our brat and apparently play games to get her to behave (or him for the guys). I dunno that I want to do that, but I peeked at an 'actual progress report' And I realized how many of those phrases I have said.
"I am sick and I need (fill in the blank)"
"It's not fair (fill in blank) gets to do (fill in other blank)"
Good grief I am a brat! I can just see that flying with one of my kids:
Kid: "Mommy, I gotta booboo, I need chocolate"
Me: "No but you can have a kiss, too much chocolate is not good for you"
Kid: "But I want chocolate!"
Me: " I know I like chocoalte too, but it isn't going to help your booboo."
See at no point would I even dream of giving my kid chocolate (or anything else) just cause they were sick! Myself on the other hand I gladly hand over chocolate (pirate MnMs!) along with dinner out, and numerous other wasted money/bad for the health things.
I think my inner brats name might be Lazy!
May 10th, 2006 at 12:03 am 1147215819