Home > Giving the kids what I never had

Giving the kids what I never had

June 7th, 2006 at 03:02 pm

I used to just buy what looked cool, but now I look at the toys/books I get for my kids as investments. I want to be able to read the same books, and play with the same toys, with all of them, and better still with my grandkids. Many times I realize that I don't need to get them a toy or book, they have plenty!

I have several DR seuss books from when I was a kid, classics that I love to re-read. We also have some from when PapPap was a kid (recently retired if that gives you an idea on the age of the books)

I love those old battered well loved books more than a thousand newfangled fashionable ones! (not that we have no new books....we love books!)

I have the set of books I taught kindergarten to read with, I used them to teach GMC to read, and am currently using them to teach JC. I have my old prealgebra book, and several of my readers from when I was a kid, including one that was my mothers in third grade. Why spend a thousand on new programs to teach reading or math when I have a perfectly good books right here, with sentimantal value to boot! Not to mention the childcraft books covering so much history and science, plus a dictionary covering lots of etimology. (all from my childhood)

I have a set of shapes I used as a kid, a set of 'self checking books' and a tupperware tea party set. A collection of legos and a collection of small figures (callded manipulatives in education books) All with sentimental value, plus great educational toys. I also have a couple stuffed animals, dolls, a cradle, and a doll bed.

Could you imagine the riches in my house comapered to any third world country? I am rich in things as well as love, My kids don't need more toys, they need more chances to see the world.

That is what I want to give my kids, not the toys I never had (I still have plenty!) but the chance to see the world, that was beyond my youth, and that is what I want to save for my kids now. No game boys or fad figures for us. Just lots of simple fun toys, and some saving for a trip or 20.

(BTW my parents did a great job not only supplying my needs but also finding so many great toys that have lasted, course that means they now have not much to buy the kids...sorry!)

1 Responses to “Giving the kids what I never had”

  1. contrary1 Says:

    Thanks for the memory lane trip here............. I was just at my moms, clearing out around the playhouse my dad had made for my sister & myself. The grandkids all got to play in the same space as we did. We also had hand made toys that we played with........they have lasted several generations now, with no sign of wearing out. Fun memories!

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