Home > getting good at pool snacks and meals

getting good at pool snacks and meals

June 24th, 2006 at 01:28 pm

So I am getting good at this now, aside form the simple PBnoJ I managed to take yogurt, I put the frozen fruit in the bowl and added yogurt, the frozen fruit helped keep it cool!

A couple spoons a drink or two and some crackers completes a simple lunch.

I also have been expiramenting with the 'calzone' I am sure the inventor is lamenting the abuse I am giving, but it is working.

Aside form pepperonni we used beef n carrots, chicken (out of veggies!) bacon and green peas.

The crust is like sourdough bread, so it is pretty versitile going with anything (but not really all that sour, it tasts like pizza crust mostly) The only trouble is you have to bake it, that heats up the house a bit, but it is still pretty cheap.

For snacks I figured out if you wrap a knife and a peeler in a towel no one gets hurt, then put it and a mango in a box in the bag (less banging against the leg while walking.) Proly work for apple too, just havn't done that yet.

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