Home > Educate on a dime: babys

Educate on a dime: babys

July 3rd, 2006 at 01:44 pm

Hours of fun,plus some science lessons

1 white sock
1 black sock

1. Hand over to baby
2. Watch and learn

You might find the socks are teethers,soothing the oft painful gums of toddlerhood. Often combined with studying the limitations of a slightly stretchy sock. (bite, pull away, how long till it snaps back out of the mouth?)

Or instruments to observe gravity (yep you drop it, it goes down.. again.. again.. again...)

Or maybe the test is physics and levers as your little one trys to pull up a sock they are sitting on (this often requires adult help to solve)

Or it might be a cloth to cover a toe, a hand or a face. If mom gets involved a full fledged game of peek a boo can get underway.

3 Responses to “Educate on a dime: babys”

  1. robex Says:

    My son (now 12) had a favourite toy as a baby that consisted of popcorn kernels in an empty film canister. That thing kept him entertained for hours...shaking, rolling, tossing...endless fun!

  2. LuckyRobin Says:

    My daughter just played with the film canister. Nothing in it, no lid, just the canister. She loved it. Why? I don't know. Take it away and I had a mutiny on my hands.

  3. princessperky Says:

    umm you know the chemicals in film are on the canister....I saw a cool expirament where someone dumped a different chemical in to make a chain reaaction..made lots of bubbles, fun but I don't think I would want my kid chewing on it...maybe a different small container?

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