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What do I need to be happy?

July 5th, 2006 at 02:18 pm

So the problem is I am unhappy, why on earth I would be unhappy with three ownderful children an absolutly amazing husband and plenty of food/shelter is beyond me. The problem remains I am unhappy.

How about a maid? a maid would free up considerable amounts of do I need a maid or time?

How about a personal chef? somehow I can't see me eating what someone else picked 5 times a day..and I do eat 5 times a day...did I mention I am hungry?

Ok how about a perfect body? (is about as possible as a maid, so why not go all out!) hmm I have no time to enjoy the one my DH seems to think is awesome, I don't think losing one inch all around would really make that much of a difference....we are back to time.

Maybe a bigger house? more room for stuff so it wouldn't be ...everywhere....but then more space means more to clean...I have no time to clean what I have!

How about a babysiter? then I woudl have loads of time...can I get a wet nurse thrown in for fun? That would free up time and energy! no more making milk! Ah but then you know it isn't really best for my kids...less I could clone myself!

Perfect I figured it out! I get a clone to be the maid, one to be the chef/baker, one to be the babysitter/parent/whatever..and I get to be the err wife. I like it Smile

3 Responses to “What do I need to be happy?”

  1. PRICEPLUS Says:

    Sounds like you need some down time or a vacation for yourself. Make sure you take care of yourself.WinkSmile I know the feeling!Smile

  2. jodi_m Says:

    We all want the best for our kids...but sometimes, I settle for second best if it means someone else is taking care of my kids so I can relax...kwim??? It's worth it to the kids to have a smiling, happy mama! Take some time for yourself, if you can Smile

  3. princessperky Says:

    What I need is time to sleep! thanks for the notes. Smile

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