Home > Freebee friday

Freebee friday

July 6th, 2006 at 02:01 pm

or thursday, whatever!

It is raining, and I decided to take advantage of the freeebee section and get all the stocking stuffers I can..not much for the kids yet, but I signed up for a ton of stuff for the MIL and DM...they get stockings from us every year..sometimes I make em share with thier spouse...

Previously I sent all freebee links to DH to fill out, but for some reason he isn't normally I would skip, but since there is no chance at a pool due to rain..why not.

It took about 20 minutes to search fill out and delete useless ones..but if half of it comes I will have 5 or so things to share between them. Now I am off to try the kid ssection

I'll post back next month to let you know what I got.

Oh previously DH got us a dove bar from walmart and a shower to shower thing..trouble is I have no idea what a shower to shower thing is.....

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