Home > one mattress out of two....

one mattress out of two....

July 9th, 2006 at 08:02 pm

We went to the store to buy two mattresses, one for JC, she just got a twin bed, and one for us (we have a queen).

And we only have one.

I glanced at the price of a mattress in a store, set a figure in my mind to save for, and saved it (eons ago..) we waited till now to get it so that we could get JCs twin at the same time, figured it would save on delivery (and no way a mattress would fit in our car).

Well apparently the price was ofor half a matress! You have to buy the box and the mattress sepperatly, and they are the same price! Which leaves us with only half the cost of a matrtess in the savings account!

Well we had a little more to buy JCs matress (which cost well over our estimate) but we bought hers..and now we are waiting till we save more to buy ours...and I want a steak dinner..steak or new matress?

Course we have the money in the savings..but I really don't want to use it...

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