Home > keeping on top of it all.

keeping on top of it all.

July 10th, 2006 at 08:00 pm

It ain't that easy.....

I tell myself it is, and honestly throwing a load in is easy, boiling some eggs is easy, throwing a batch of cookies or bars or muffins in is all pretty easy. So is cutting an apple or making applesauce, apple turnovers, or pizza pockets. Emptying the dishwasher or filling it, putting stuff away, or wiping a table. Balancing a checkbook, marking down a recipet, mailing a bill, or banking some chnge.

It is all easy, but......

You gotta do it ALL!

Or at least I try to do it all (and then some). Some days I manage and I think "what was so hard about that?" and some days my kids whine, my eggs burn, my laundry gets lost between the hamper and the dresser, my frugality gets lost in the screams of a baby, and I remember just what is so hard.

4 Responses to “keeping on top of it all.”

  1. flash Says:

    It may be all easy, but it's not ALL easy, especially not all at once! Kudos to you for even trying (and I read your blog, I think you do a pretty good job of it!)

  2. boomeyers Says:


  3. princessperky Says:

    Thanks for the vote of confidence!

  4. nanamom Says:

    It is never easy, the worthwhile isn't. You do an awesome job. Someday you will look back on this and think at lest two things, one is How on earth did I ever do all that and the other is what wonderful adults my children grew up to be.

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