Home > Savings rate

Savings rate

July 12th, 2006 at 12:22 pm

So I took that quiz to see how financially secure I am..I got a 61, and one of the thing recomended was to write down my goals, short medium and long term. then write down the amount saved torward them each month and a plan for how long it would take to achieve them.

umm I want everything,a nd it will take forever and a day!

ok a bit more serious:

Short = mattress..I apparently need to double what we have and then some.

Medium - yearly vacation (the real kind, not visitng family)

long - pay off house...

And the savings? umm well the medium is done for this year, the short is gonna take prolly till next spring if I don't buckle down. And the long will be ...oh yeah, forever and a day!

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