Home > First issue! hot off the presses..err well disk space anyway

First issue! hot off the presses..err well disk space anyway

July 24th, 2006 at 02:05 pm

I decided not to let myself perfect the first issue. I just sort of wanted it done so I could share it..but then I discovered my printer wasn't going to print anything..

Oh well, I threw it on a pdf and am trying to put it here so you all can see it if you want. I figure I will put the next ideas into another issue (hopefully a more refined one) but at least I get to say I did one.

Don't expect too much... I enjoyed putting it together, but I am by no means a proffessional!

You can

Text is click here and Link is
click here to download the pdf and print it yourself if you like (I will work on printing to mail later)

or I tried to make em pictures for here...we shall see how well that goes.

page one or the cover

inside spread. or page two and three

back page or page 4

I have lots of other things I want to do for a different issue..hopefully a but less last minute..

2 Responses to “First issue! hot off the presses..err well disk space anyway”

  1. miclason Says:

    Hey, that is COOL!!! the Try a Triangle...might do that with Ale this coming holidays!

  2. Thrifty Ray Says:

    Looks great! You did a nice job on your first issue!!

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