Home > I seem to be a lousy reader.

I seem to be a lousy reader.

August 1st, 2006 at 03:04 pm

I have signs in my house saying 'you are a failure' I have lots of them!

I have one in the kids room, it is a stack of books that the kids took out of the bookcase, not one or two but, like ALL of them (and as a recovering bookaholic, that makes for a lot of books)

This morning as I dreaded trying to resolve some problems and turn some signs around I discovered my two kids sitting..with books....reading..or rather looking anyway (GMC can read, but JC cannot)

It seems those signs that said 'failure' to me said 'common over and check me out' to the kids...maybe I should get my eyes checked...

3 Responses to “I seem to be a lousy reader.”

  1. Joan.of.the.Arch Says:

    Good mess! When my kids were young, I used to intentionally leave books and magazines here and there to catch their attention. Sometimes, I'd open them to an interesting page. They both became big-time readers. Of course I had other tactics, too. There is not a room in the house without a stack of things to read. They aren't all my stacks, by any means.

  2. nanamom Says:

    You are many things, failure is not one of them. Perhaps a new pair of glasses?

  3. princessperky Says:

    Now if I can only come up with a good reason to leave the dishes in the dishwasher, and the floor unswiffered and the good will pile in the room, good grief, I had better get offline and go work!

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