Home > EC vs cloth

EC vs cloth

August 3rd, 2006 at 05:26 pm

I posted awhile ago about how many

Text is diapering options and Link is
diapering options there were.

apolgies, do not eat while reading this, it is about dipers and gross:

At the time I was using a good deal of cloth, but I found out line drying increased pollen in the house, and both UE and I are allergic to that. but honestly the part that brok the camels back was finding food chuncks in the diaper that wont come out and made it too the washer...ewww.

But I do still EC, and it is sooo cool to be able to say your baby was dry all day! but since he is only 9 months, he can't talk, which means if I don't take him he doesnt go. Not that he doesn't cry, but honestly I just don't get it...kid fusses I check if he already peed/pooped, I check if he is hungry, I check if he is hot..about 20 minutes later I might think hey wat if he needed a potty? then GMC comes over and says 'UE pooped' ah yep thats what he wanted, but mom was to dense to hear it. sigh. I would love to actually communicate with him.

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