Sunday we ran out of chocolate..normally that is ared flag to go imediatly to the not pass go, do not collect 200$.
This week I managed NOT to go, we waited,
Monday..DH ate the last of the chocolate he had at work, and I mixed peanut butter with coco powder, butter and powdered sugar (actually really good).
Tuesday, I have no idea what DH did, but I baked muffins..and ate peanut butter with cocopowder (I am thinking of mixing it in bulk, rolling in balls and taking it to very good)
Wednesday, I mixed chocolate syrup with milk, twice..but seemed to survive. (at this point I wasn't to concerned with DH, I was having enough troubles of my own) I also used the last of the flour to make pizza, and had to use some whole wheat (which my son loved, JC passed on)
Finally DH brought chocolate home wednesday night and today I had was FAR better than last week...a little waiting does the palet good .
deprivation is good...
August 24th, 2006 at 06:18 pm
August 24th, 2006 at 08:22 pm 1156447342
Hope your church going friends enjoy your peanut butter balls.. don't be shy to send the recipe.
kind regards
August 24th, 2006 at 10:55 pm 1156456505
August 25th, 2006 at 03:13 pm 1156515193
Honest I will try to figure out the amounts and post em..but no promises, I am not a measureing kind of cook!