Home > how long does 20lbs of flour last?

how long does 20lbs of flour last?

September 11th, 2006 at 04:00 pm

For me it is between less than a month and two months, that is a lot of flour! and alot more than I used to use, I now bake more, and share more.....

I am looking at the dwindleing supply of flour and remembering filling it up literally 2 weeks ago. This is a bit rediculous, how did pioneers survive? did they get flour in 50 lb sacks? we hear how they did not eat meat like we do, and we know vegetables were hard to come by in the winter, so what were they eating? or maybe I just eat alot..well I alot that is.

5 Responses to “how long does 20lbs of flour last?”

  1. Thrifty Ray Says:

    And you bake things to take to church too...

    I know I use much more flour in the cooler months---as i dont like to bake and add more heat in the house during summer.

  2. Boefixepa Says:

    I realized the same thing the other day! I keep my flour in a five gallon bucket and I filled it up when my aunt was the end of July. This weeked I realized I am at the bottom..AGAIN! That is just over a month! I know I've been making lots of breads so I am sure that it where it went, but I'm with you as to wondering how the poineers did it! and it's just me! So if I munchins like you eating am I going to go through lots of flour!

  3. sarah Says:

    I can answer the question about pioneers and flour. They bkught it by the barrel. Several barrells were needed to get through a winter.

  4. princessperky Says:

    I need to get me oneo them thar 'barrels'......
    course my husband wants to know where I am storing it if I do buy more, I want to know how to get it cheaper.

  5. LuckyRobin Says:

    I buy the 50 pound sacks at Costco as it is the cheapest I can find it. I have a large rubbermaid bin I keep mine in with a tight fititng lid. I only store 25 pounds in this container. I store the rest of it in the freezer in an identical container. When the one container is empty, I can just pull the other one out of the freezer and I'm ready to go in a few hours.

    Pioneers did a lot of hunting, they put up deer and fish and bear meat, snared rabbits, shot quail, ducks, and geese and hunted for their eggs, kept chickens for both eggs and meat, sometimes raised a hog for butchering, kept a milk cow or two. They also planted extensive gardens of long lasting root crops like potatoes, carrots, onions, garlic, parsnips, turnips, salsify, and rutabagas. They dried peppers. They grew winter squashes which keep for about 9 months in a cool, dry place like a root cellar.

    Mostly, they thought differently. Canning, smoking, drying meat and fruits and veggies. Flour was mostly for bread, all these other things like cakes and cookies and doughnuts, were special occassion uses of flour, not a weekly norm. If you only used your flour for making bread it would last much longer, but it wouldn't be as much fun.

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