Home > Treats..too frequent?

Treats..too frequent?

September 13th, 2006 at 12:51 pm

[Quote] Mostly, they thought differently. Canning, smoking, drying meat and fruits and veggies. Flour was mostly for bread, all these other things like cakes and cookies and doughnuts, were special occassion uses of flour, not a weekly norm. If you only used your flour for making bread it would last much longer, but it wouldn't be as much fun.[/quote]

LuckyRobin pointed out how treats were a bit more of a treat back in the day...I was thinking I call those treats too..but I also call them daily treats! I make muffins nearly every week, usually several different versions, sure we pack up some to take to church, but we also get to try some of every batch...Not to mention making icecream nearly every week.....juice is pretty frequent, though limited and watered down......pop is getting rareer, but I see DH put some in the fridge every day, I certainly hope there will be some left for Friday company.......

Spoiled, we are spoiled....and not just on the whole 'roof over head, 3 squares a day'. We are spoiled in soo much more.

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