Home > Stop ruining my gift!

Stop ruining my gift!

September 29th, 2006 at 05:33 pm

So I went to the store, I sniffed and smelled till I found the one scent I KNEW you would like, I wrapped it up, got the kids to make a card and we gave it to you.

You oohed and awwed, You sniffed and sighed at the perfect scent I found (ok fine, my husband found) and then what did you do? You put it on a shelf and turned it into a dust catcher! What was the point of me finding the right scent if you were just going to leave it on the shelf!

If I screwed up and it stinks to you, give it away, someone will like it, and I don't have to be reminded of the dustcatcher I found!

On the other hand if I did good, take it out, dust it off, and USE IT!

Thank you.

3 Responses to “Stop ruining my gift!”

  1. Thrifty Ray Says:

    Well said. Erma Bombeck did an eloquent poem before she died about if she "had Her Life to Live Over"...and one of the things she would have done different was to Use the fancy candles instead of saving them and eventually letting them melt in the attic.

  2. kerri Says:

    I think Im in the right place maybe not, well here goes anyways.I am a rehabilitation habitat specialist and currently taking care of an autistic woman named stephanie she loves annie, Is that you? If so I know in my heart she would love to here an email or something from you, I know its alot to ask but your pictures are posted all over the house....she loves you...Kerri

  3. princessperky Says:

    Kerri, I have no idea who you are looking for, but I certainly hope you find her.

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