So I went to the store, I sniffed and smelled till I found the one scent I KNEW you would like, I wrapped it up, got the kids to make a card and we gave it to you.
You oohed and awwed, You sniffed and sighed at the perfect scent I found (ok fine, my husband found) and then what did you do? You put it on a shelf and turned it into a dust catcher! What was the point of me finding the right scent if you were just going to leave it on the shelf!
If I screwed up and it stinks to you, give it away, someone will like it, and I don't have to be reminded of the dustcatcher I found!
On the other hand if I did good, take it out, dust it off, and USE IT!
Thank you.
Stop ruining my gift!
September 29th, 2006 at 05:33 pm
September 29th, 2006 at 06:01 pm 1159549289
November 17th, 2006 at 08:29 pm 1163795347
November 18th, 2006 at 02:52 am 1163818369