Home > couldn't have said it better myself

couldn't have said it better myself

October 9th, 2006 at 06:38 pm

'course thats cause I am a lousy writer...ever notice I am also always down on myself?

Anyway very interesting post from a wonderful writer (she knits too Smile.)

"I am angry. The government has just intruded itself upon my notice again, with threats of taking more of my family’s hard-earned living, of taking away even more private property rights, and sucking into its vortex hours and hours of my precious time as it does so.....................................
Decades have gone by, the same tunes are being played now as always. The average citizen on the street knows, instinctively, that it’s bad to give a junkie more of the drug he craves. Why, then, don’t the adults far older than I (and that bear more sway in the system than I) seem to have the least idea that continuing to pour money into the school system is a lousy idea?".............

read more of her thoughts

Text is here and Link is

I haven't read 'teach your own' but I have read other John Holt books, I highly recomend his work.

4 Responses to “couldn't have said it better myself”

  1. LuxLiving Says:

    Did I mention that I unschooled mine? Yep. They are just beginning their world of work and finding out what they want to contribute to the world. I can't wait to see how they thrive!

    FrugalSon and I had the most interesting exchange this morning on the public school system and the shootings.

    Does anybody but me see that CHILDREN themselves will call in a bombthreat in order to get out of that prison of a place? And more and more so as they see the adults around them going into a tailspin at every threat that's made? The kids themselves might just lead the revolution to ending this barbaric practice called public-schooling! So, yes, news anchors keep giving the kids the ideas they need and we'll see so many more bombthreats that soon kids themselves will bring about the public schools demise!

    NO FLAMES please - you have your viewpoints and you turned out wonderful - yes I know. My reply would be that you were wonderful to begin with and would have been even BETTER w/o the 12 year lock-down!

    Nice piece PrincessPerky! Thanks for posting!!

  2. pjmama Says:

    I have a younger sister that just started middle school, and it's a shame how they dont expect anything of students academically anymore. I agree... the problem is not in how much money they get, it's the system itself that needs revised. I dont think ousting public education is the problem, however, I think it just needs heavily revised. Society just expects nothing of its younger generation anymore.

  3. Boefixepa Says:

    Nice! Homeschooling is a dealbraker for me. I will not marry any man that will not let me stay home and homeschool our children....given our situation allows. It's not so much the idea that the system is broken (but I agree it is) as I feel that school destroy the family, religion, respect for people, etc. That instead of inspiring children, they oppress them. They do everything they are NOT suppose to do and don't do what they are suppose to do.

    I've had a few great teachers during my schooling, but they were the expection and I was literally held back from doing better by the red tape and slower learning level of my peers. It's rather sad, and it's just getting sadder.

  4. princessperky Says:

    School used to mean 'free time' now it means 'drudgery' or busy work.....I just got an email about a lady who refused to teach her kid to read, cause the school would do it next year, that poor kid!

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