Home > Guess I aught to be doing something else

Guess I aught to be doing something else

January 10th, 2007 at 03:46 pm

I come to my blog to che ck comments, they are disabled (not a complaint, I am sure it is for a good cause)

So maybe that is a hint I aught to be working not goofing off?

I managed to find a way to explain perpindicular and parrallel to my son and I want to write it up for the websit, but I keep delaying, I also figured out how to word multiplication with fingers that works and I want to type that up, but instead the other day I wrote up a little thing on reading addiction.

I seem to have a procrastination problem.....

1 Responses to “Guess I aught to be doing something else”

  1. living_in_oz Says:

    I still can't read the comments on my blog even though they aren't supposed to be disabledFrown

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