Remind me when I am all grown up, just how hard the whole process was....
I do hope some day to be all grown up, not giving up fun, but not having to war with myself to do simple clean a kitchen!
Friday is my birthday, and I will be 20something...again . And in that 20something years I really feel I spent very little time growing up.
On the other hand in the last year or 3 I think I have done a great deal. From getting the finances straight to getting my job under control, to figuring out small talk...ok no I really havn't figured that one out yet. Working on it, really I am.
Anyway as the kids grow and work out their own lives I wonder how I will feel when they are teens, or when they are young adults, will I remember how irritating little details like filing papers can be, or will I be so good at it, I find their incompetance their lack of table manners of yesteryear.
Will I teach them enough so they can 'keep house' or will I wonder over to visit and peek in their closets to find they still clean by stuffing it all in there?
Will I be able to guide them on track to finding a proffession they love, or will I rush them into a job and life they hate just because I want it for them?
Will I sigh in frustration as they struggle to decide how important church is (or is not) and I watch the oft empty pew?
Or will I get it all right find none of the above did I fail to teach, and yet still complain over niggling details like failing to iron their shirts........
Knowing me, I will be complaining, it is what I do best.
Remind me when I grow up.....
February 27th, 2007 at 02:23 am
February 27th, 2007 at 03:32 am 1172547179
February 27th, 2007 at 05:22 am 1172553752
As for what the kids will do as adults, you never know. My sister was the biggest slob on the planet when she lived at home, but her house is always well-kept now and she is in the process of still raising three of her four boys. Who knows what your kids will or will not learn? If a clean home is their priority it will be done, if not, oh, well. And stuffing stuff in the closet? Well, I never outgrew that habit, but at least its all in nice rubbermaid boxes nowadays!
February 27th, 2007 at 01:12 pm 1172581959
February 27th, 2007 at 01:44 pm 1172583854
I don't feel like a grown up either... but I do like being legal as one!
February 27th, 2007 at 09:59 pm 1172613579