Home > Entertainment budget...

Entertainment budget...

March 2nd, 2007 at 02:59 am

No not entertaining us, entertaining guests...I don't have a seperate category for it, but I do buy food for company...not alot, not the best or top of the line, and I simply cannot afford to cater dinner, nor do you want to be stuck with what I cook Smile

But there is some, I was talking with someone about budgets and it occured to me...not for the first time, but in a different way. A budget is to help figure out what you want to spend money on, if you go about it willy nilly spending when the occassion arrises, at the end of the month you may be able to stay under income, but you may realize you spent a ton on XYZ but that you keep wanting to have money for ABC......

For me company is one of the things we want to have some money for, as is paying off the car. Smile sorry but % wise the car is winning! (especially last month!)

2 Responses to “Entertainment budget...”

  1. Amber Says:

    good luck on the budget

  2. Aleta Says:

    I saw a budget where the food department was sub categorized into various names: food at home, food at restaurants, food for entertaining others, holiday food, etc. We like to get vacation timeshares with kitchens and alot of times, I will buy food on sale, precook, seal it with a seal a meal, and freeze it. If we are within 4-6 hours, we take a cooler. It just makes sense that you don't have to go shopping for a couple of days and you can truly relax. So, I try to work extra food money into the vacation as well.

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